Monday, May 21, 2012



I might not be the person who is in love with all children, I'm good with children in some ways but I don't like all of them, some of them I find disturbing and need some manners in order to be liked. And what I don't like more are children who lives inside adults! I believe that some adults don't act according to their age or are not mature enough and would give you the impression that they are still children.
I have reached the age where I look at things from a complete different perspective, and I do have some expectations for the people whom I grow up with, family members and friends as well, for example when I open a topic for discussion or try to solve a problem I expect people to use their brains and use common sense as minimum requirements for our conversations, but sadly I still find that some people didn't grow up yet. They say that people grow up in certain times and become grown ups, specially people who travel and live abroad, I'm not saying that its the only chance where people can improve them selves but its one of the common ways, but unfortunately I know some people who are still thinking like teenagers, I can't say that all teenagers think in a bad way but I mean that the way they look at things are different than others, its not wrong to think like a teenager when you are one but its wrong when you still believe you are a teenager and you are getting old.
The question is should we point out this idea for them? Or should we convince ourselves that they will grow someday? What if they are hurting people around them? What if they are hurting themselves and their lives?
I would personally like to know how would you deal with a friend who thinks in an immature way, maybe your ideas can help me deal with some of them people I know :)

Cheers :)