I believe one of the reasons why I started writing in a blog is to share my ideas and get it out of my system, maybe its the fact that I prefer to write down my thoughts rather than telling them to someone who I know wouldn't be able to understand me, or in other words won't be able to tell me what I'm expecting to hear.
In this entry I have no specific topic to talk about, Im just feeling like saying some stuff and would like to share with my readers.
What makes you an achiever in life? Who determines if you left a foot print in this world or you were just like a cold breeze that came and went without any one noticing that? I know most people struggle in life, some struggle in school to graduate, some struggle to get a healthy life and stay away from diseases, some struggle to save their social life, and many many more, but the thing is does every struggle means a foot print? If I spent half my life studying and building up my career will I put my foot print? or will I just be someone who attended classes and sat next to complete strangers?
What I realized is that any foot print wont be visible to everyone in the world, some people will notice it while they walk while others would just step on it and ignore it, so anything you will do would be of some value for someone in addition to yourself. In life we meet people, we make friends, we fall in love, and we even hurt some people around us, I believe that these things will leave its mark over time and people will remember us for it.
Live your life and be sure to be someone people would want to remember, you don't have to kill your self to make your name, you just have to believe in your self and trust me everything you do in life no matter how small it is, no matter how unimportant it may seem would leave a mark on someone.
Cheers :)