Friday, April 27, 2012

Don't Leave Home...


When I first applied to university in Australia I never told any of my friends until I got my acceptance letter and knew exactly when I'm planing to leave, I knew that it would be hard to loose someone we love or care for so I wanted to make it easier. At the airport while I was saying goodbye it was one of the most emotional moments of my life, it made me realize how much people care for me and will miss me until I come back home.
 once heard that saying goodbye is he easy part, because the hard part is what comes afterwards, its how are we going to manage our lives to go on, I was used to call my friends everyday, go out every weekend, and we used to have certain activities together, but now we all have to learn how to adjust and keep life going on. Life has its own way of managing things, and it doesn't always go as we want it to go, maybe thats the challenge that we have to deal with, maybe its natures way of trying to make us stronger and be flexible, be able to accept change and try not to get over attached. I miss my friend and I will never think of forgetting them, but there are somethings in life that has to be done. In economics we have learned the concept of 'Opportunity Cost' which means that in order for someone to do action 1 he should accept loosing the ability to do action 2 or 3, I can stay home, get a job, and do the usual routine with my friends, but I chose to get my masters degree for a better life, it's hard to leave but as I said life just goes on.
Try being supportive even if you don't like it, it would be easier for them to leave, and don't forget to mention that you will be waiting for your loved ones to come back. I know that its a very important topic but there are too many things to say, and I would like to listen to Dido singing what I want to say.

Cheers :)

Tuesday, April 17, 2012



One of the hardest words for me to say is the word "Sorry". I find it very hard to apologize to people, I'm not sure why exactly but maybe it's the fact that I rarely admit that I'm wrong, or maybe that I think of it as a big word that should have its meaning so I'm saving it for the right moments. That got me thinking why do we some times look for troubles? why do we make something out of nothing? I admit that problems and misunderstandings can be seen as the spices of life, but that doesn't mean that we have to spice our lives that much, after all too much spices can really ruin the dish right? We can always try to look at the big picture and ignore small words that can lead to big misunderstanding after all.
I was on the phone with a friend and he was fighting with another one of my friends, I was trying to hear the story but after I heard it I found out that the whole situation doesn't make sense at all, why are you even fighting there is nothing to fight on! I believe the problem here is simple, sometimes we have to let go or ignore some of the things we her or see in order to live a happy life, we can't ask for an explanation for every single word we hear or every single action we see, we live in a diverse world where some people might not mean harm by the words the express or the deeds they do, its just the way they think, so why make up something out of nothing?
In my life I have learned that sometimes you have to let it go and ignore some facts around me in order to live in peace, and I realized that sometimes you have to fake that things are ok with people while its not just to live your life in peace, maybe I hate some people but I don't show it for a reason, because one day when something happens these people will remember me as the person who was nice to them, and not the person that they are glad that he won't be around for some reason.
I'm not trying to influence you to be fake, what Im trying to do is to show that life runs in a certain way, I myself hate to fake my feelings towards others but think about it this way, you can be honest and people around you hate you and think you are the crazy person with issues, or you can try to fake sometimes (not all the time) and be remembered as the person who is always nice to people around. after all its your life and you make your own choices.

Cheers :)