Friday, April 6, 2012

Know me, Then Judge me


I was looking for the perfect headline to go with the topic I'm writing about but I couldn't find the right word for it, so for a change I'm using a long sentence. I have a friend who always assumes that the Chinese are the worst, they are stupid, rude, careless, and every other word that is not appealing would perfectly fit them! The thing is I can't decide wither this is judgment, racism, or stereotyping but I'm sure It's something disturbing, when certain group of people or even an individual does a certain act that we don't appreciate we can not just assume that everyone would act the same, we are different people from different backgrounds, we maybe share common grounds but that doesn't mean that we are exactly the same. We are humans and we are able to build our own personality, I can be She3i and I respect all the Sunni symbols, I can be Muslim and respect the Jewish, I can be a heterosexual and respect the feelings of the homosexuals. What I'm trying to say here is we should never judge before we know, we should never generalize, and we should think with our minds not what others around us think.
One of the reasons I'm writing this is the bad impression I give about myself, I might seem lame and cocky but I'm sure once people give me a chance to know me more I'm sure they would change their minds, you can't judge people just for the way they look, or where the come from, or what people say about them, give them the chance to know them, maybe you have the wrong idea in mind.
When the 9th of September events took place and the whole western world had the idea that Muslims are terrorists we were furious, how can they think that about us? well why do we blame them while we are doing the same? we hate all the Jews because of Israel, we believe that Indians are stupid because the illiterate are among our work force, and I don't even have to mention the never stop tension between She3a and Sunna in Kuwait god bless us all.
All what I'm trying to say is why not start with a little experiment I'd like to call "Experiment trust" or we can rename it later according to your suggestions. Start your week with a smile, look at all people as equal, and never build an impression about any single person before reaching to that person first and listing to that person's thoughts and ideas, for example approach the gay in your class ask him about the lecture and see how he reacts, ask the Indian working with you in the bank about the financial status of India, or approach the popular girl in school and ask her where did she do her nails. let's see if they are the same as we had in mind or not? are they different that what we thought they would be? Did it hurt us to try to get to know them?

I would be so happy to hear from you people if you have done this experiment and I promise I can share your thoughts and my thoughts if you want with others, who knows maybe we can help change the world (BIG WORDS!!!) but as we all know, nothing is impossible.

Cheers :)


  1. I love this post. I really do, it says a lot of things i would love to say. I mean instead of judging people why don't we just live and let others live? Why do we have to intervene with people's lives or the way they choose to live "their" life It's "THEIR LIFE" after all. Pretty damn annoying, hmftt..

    1. Thank you for your feedback and hope maybe you can share your experiences if you have some :)

  2. okay, nice post, lovely words, interesting topic and amazing influence.

    1st I would like to tell you I have a bad idea about Saudis, from school, from Kuwaiti Beduin, from Saudis here in US. I couldn't find any of a good sample. And even if I found once one time and the end he still have the same idea with any Saudi and same act. My sentence about that "Saudi lo Yo9al el-Qmr, he will always think like one of them" ! in the other hand, My friend has the same feeling with me but after being in Oklahoma his mind changed and Saudis become his BFs. He told me they are not Helag !! and Seriously I will not change my mind until I see that!

    I know I'm judging here but honestly after seeing how they think and how they act I kept this idea in my mind.

    About the "Experiment Trust" , I tried it one time, it's kida of hard because the 1st reaction and 1st expression about people. Which is a human being. but after living a dormitory for 8 months. and living with other cultures know I don't judge people by their nationality or their religion but by the way they think.

    Talked a lot but I found it interesting to talk about.

    1. Well first of all thank you for sharing, I know Its hard and I get your point but why not do it? think about it this way, isn't KSA a massive country? wouldn't it be impossible for all Saudi people to think and act the same? I know its hard to stop judging suddenly but trying to be a better person can be really helpful :)

    2. I know it's kinda am Drama Queen with that, but seriously, I love to know people and how they think... some of them I like and some are not. But I don't "Hate" people or don't talk or handle with them but I prefer to be away from the kind of people who I prefer to not handle with. Thanks .

  3. it sucks how people judge based on ur nationality, religion or even name !

    The problem is most people when they form an idea or judgment about someone they stick to it! Their mind is blocked, they don't see anything but what they had in mind, they don't even try to see it from another perspective, or mostly they form their judgment based on what they heard from someone else which is even worse !

    I do admit that I've done this couple of time, but now i know better not to!

    they world would be a better place if we smiled more often and stopped judging :D


