Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Feeling others


Today i was watching an interesting movie called Trade, this movie is basically about a little Mexican girl who was kidnapped to be used for human trafficking. The movie was great and the story made ma realize something, some people would do anything to live without over thinking the consequences of their actions, for example in the movie there was this Polish woman who wanted to get a job in the United States and she went to this agency who made her think that she is able to go to the United States and find a job, but actually they were a people trafficking agency and they wanted to sell her.

Most of us in Kuwait have a new car to drive to school, get a Louis Vuitton bag for graduation, and ask for a Cartier love collection ring for engagement. I admit I'm materialistic myself and I love my life, but staying here in Australia made me realize that not every body can afford to buy new shoes every season, not everybody can go watch a movie every weekend, and not everyone gets a thousand KD just for finishing school. People actually think how to spend money and save for future needs, they work at subway and study microbiology in their lunch break.

I might not be the right person to talk about this topic, and maybe some people will read this and say well you shouldn't be the one talking about it. honestly I might not know what to do but I'm honestly touched by these people, and I would like to thank them for wanting to live a better life.
Thank you for working hard for your future,
Thank you for smiling even though you are hurt inside,
Thank you for trying to change,
and most of all thank you for being a great example for others and showing us that no matter how bad your situation is you can always reach the stars.

Cheers :)
P.S. What I wrote are my random thoughts so don't worry if you were lost its normal ;p


  1. God Bless you, i'm really glad to read these words from a Kuwaiti guys. And honey don't blame yourself about talking in this topic, its better than nor realize how people appreciate their life even without getting LV, or got what they want easily. So Thank you for sharing your thoughts, Keep going King Of Romance blog is supporting you. <3

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words, people like you keeps me going :)

  2. 7asafaa I wanted to be the first to comment :o

    yalla meta the next post :P shefekek men 7anete al7eeen ;p



    1. lol enshalla as soon as Im inspired or have a new topic in mind, I don't mind suggestions ;p
