Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year

Today I’m going to write about the highlights of last year, 2010 was a year full of events and actions in my life, and I thought it would be good (at least for me) to write it down in order to get it out of my system and start fresh for the new year.
I have left some friends, some people I care for, and some people I love, why? Because life goes on, and some people are not really worth it. You give your best and all what you get in return is ignorance, so why waste my time on something like this? On the other hand I have learned who are my real friends and who are people who are just killing time with me, true friends help you out, they are the blanket that keeps you warm when it’s cold, and they are the fire that will burn everything that would hurt you.
I have graduated from university, Finally! I really do miss going to school every day, thinking of what I’m going to wear, and spending hours and hours in Starbucks getting ready for my exam. Thank you for all the people who helped me reach my degree, thank you for all of my teachers and tutors for their time, and thank you for all of the people I met in University and made me learn things that I haven’t really know in the past academically or socially. And never forget to mention the wonderful graduation ceremony, it was amazing and I wish I had all of my friends and family watch me wearing the black gown and collecting my diploma.
My birthday this year took place early because some of my friends were leaving to study abroad that’s why I had to do it 15 days earlier, my birthday was amazing, all of my friends were there, the presents were wonderful, and I really had fun. Thank you for all of my good friends, I love them all and I know I will miss them when I’m gone.
I was supposed to leave for Australia to take my masters degree, but I had problems with my student visa and it got delayed. I had to postponed my studies until late February of the new year and change my major as well. I was really sad because I will have to stay home longer, but no one knows, maybe that’s good for my own sakes. I work now in a wonderful company, I have learned a lot, and I have met new people that I really admire and respect.
There are some things that I couldn’t mention here because it’s not appropriate to write about, but it will be graved inside my mind, and I really hope it will help me understand the real world, and how to deal with different situations.
Happy new year all, they say that the way you spend the first day of the year will show you how the rest of the year will go. I’m not really sure about that because you will have your ups and downs all year long. Be happy, love the people, and never waste your time over stupid things.
Cheers J

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