Sunday, December 26, 2010

Love... at first sight

Love at first sight.. a phrase we hear a lot in movies and western series, it is defined as falling in love with a person you saw for the first time, but the question that we should think of is it really love? Or is it something else that we don’t understand and we saw it as love? Maybe you like this person but you don’t really love him, maybe you think this person is so perfect for you but you don’t really love him.
A friend once told me his story, he talked to this girl online, they were talking for hours and hours and he really liked her, she was so sweet and polite, suddenly she said that she can’t talk to him anymore because they are together in the same college and she doesn’t want anybody to talk bad about her. He was sad and asked her just to see her once just to know her or maybe say hi. Every day he tries to look as good as he could waiting for this girl who he doesn’t know how she looks to approach him and say hi, he waited too long for her but she never came. Did he really loved her? Is it fine to fall in love with a ghost? How can he love someone he didn’t even see? What if she wasn’t even a girl, or maybe someone who is bored and want to play with people some silly sick jokes?
Love is a big word that carries a lot of meanings in it, but the thing is why do we fall in love quickly? Why do we sometimes love people that don’t deserve it? Why do we love people and then we realize that we don’t even know those people well to love them? I guess it’s human nature, we have to love the people around us in order to survive and continue on living, we can’t live alone, we need people around us.
No matter if it’s right or wrong, just keep on loving, don’t regret giving your love to anyone, and always live your day as it was your last.
Cheers J

Thursday, December 23, 2010


Few years ago my grandmother died, I was so sad because I loved her so much. When she passed out there was one thing I really did regret, I didn’t really showed her that I loved her. Maybe I was shy, maybe I didn’t know how to express my feelings, I’m not really sure. I still remember that day when I went to the hospital and saw her in the ICU she was in the bed with tons of monitors and gadgets, I didn’t see it coming but I cried the minute I saw her. The same day I got a call telling me that she has gone.
What I’m trying to say is that when we have a certain feeling, or have something to say, why don’t we just say it? Why can’t we express our feelings in a healthy way? Most people including me are afraid to show some emotions, like when we like someone we can’t say it loud, we can’t go to that person and tell him I like you, we might be afraid of the consequences. That’s why I always tell people that life is just so complicated, but why is it like this, did we make It so complicated or it just turn out to be this way? Just imagine that you like someone but you are afraid to say so, and the person you like really likes you back but is waiting for you to say it, where do you think this would get you booth? Do you think you will get anywhere or get what you want?
I do agree that some emotions should be kept to our selves because they might be not good or have bad consequences, but do we have to hide them? Do we have to life the perfect life or its just OK to have some flaws and holes? I might have things to say to people and I didn’t have the guts to say it, if I say it I would feel better and lighter because I got it out of my system, but on the other hand I might change my life and loose some people around me, so it’s my choice how I want my life to be like.
A day that goes away never comes back, and we can’t waste our days waiting for something that might not happen, if you have a certain feeling or something to express just get it out, say it loud, and never be shy.
Cheers J

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Have u ever walked into the elevator and smiled into the person standing next to you? Have you ever waited at the red street light and smiled to the Indian guy who is cleaning the street? Have you ever smiled to the waitress who is taking  your order at the restaurant after she took the order?
I think we have a problem here in Kuwait, we never smile very often ! it’s like we have to be people with attitude so people would like us, or maybe we are trying but the “prestige” won’t allow us to smile very often. And by the way if I smiled at you it doesn’t mean that I’m hitting on you, I’m just trying to be nice. I mean why do we think like this ! I can’t even smile to people because they will think I’m a sick guy who is hitting on people !
 When we smile we move about 22 muscles in our face, and when we frown we move 37 muscles, which one would you go for? For me I would so go for a 22 so I would have less wrinkles when I grow up ! our dear prophet Mohammed (PBUH) told us to smile at each other’s.
The thing is why don’t we have a national smile campaign and ask people to smile as they walk, smile when they see strangers, and smile before you go to bed. And we give a price to the person who smiles the most. Try it one day, get up in the morning, drive your car, smile at the Indian cleaner, smile to your colleagues, smile to the people you meet and don’t even know, and I’m sure at the end of the day you will be so happy and feel it inside and outside.
smile, even if you feel bad, even if you miss someone, even if the whole world is against you, keep on smiling.
Cheers J

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Thank you !

Thank you… try to say it now. Did anything happen? Did you lose anything? Is it that hard to say thank you? A question directed to some of the people living in Kuwait. Why don’t you say thank you to people when they do you a favor?
During my study days back in college I opened lots and lots of doors to girls and boys, I would be surprised when someone says thank you, as if I was a door man and it’s my job to open the door to the royal students of my college. Last summer when I was visiting my sister in Australia I was amazed by the amount of thank you I get back there ! thank you for opening a door, thank you for holding the elevator door, thank you for letting me use your seat… blah blah blah.
You know what’s funny? We are Muslims and we should have the good morals, but apparently we are only Muslims by the name.
One time I was holding the door for this girl who was at the end of the corridor, and I wanted to be a gentle man and wait for her, she passed and never even bother to say thank you ! I was like WHATS WITH THE ATTITUDE!! Im not your door man and I deserve a thank you. That day I was talking to my professor about that incidence and he said something I really liked, he said “when you do something good don’t expect people to reward you, god is the one who will award you” I was touched and decided that I would never expect a thank you from anyone because apparently if you said “thank you” you are insulting yourself.
Cheers J