Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Have u ever walked into the elevator and smiled into the person standing next to you? Have you ever waited at the red street light and smiled to the Indian guy who is cleaning the street? Have you ever smiled to the waitress who is taking  your order at the restaurant after she took the order?
I think we have a problem here in Kuwait, we never smile very often ! it’s like we have to be people with attitude so people would like us, or maybe we are trying but the “prestige” won’t allow us to smile very often. And by the way if I smiled at you it doesn’t mean that I’m hitting on you, I’m just trying to be nice. I mean why do we think like this ! I can’t even smile to people because they will think I’m a sick guy who is hitting on people !
 When we smile we move about 22 muscles in our face, and when we frown we move 37 muscles, which one would you go for? For me I would so go for a 22 so I would have less wrinkles when I grow up ! our dear prophet Mohammed (PBUH) told us to smile at each other’s.
The thing is why don’t we have a national smile campaign and ask people to smile as they walk, smile when they see strangers, and smile before you go to bed. And we give a price to the person who smiles the most. Try it one day, get up in the morning, drive your car, smile at the Indian cleaner, smile to your colleagues, smile to the people you meet and don’t even know, and I’m sure at the end of the day you will be so happy and feel it inside and outside.
smile, even if you feel bad, even if you miss someone, even if the whole world is against you, keep on smiling.
Cheers J

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