Sunday, July 10, 2011



As I'm growing up I have decided to be a better person and be nice to people around me, I know that I have been nice to a lot of people and Thank god I don't recall that any one hates me (Thank god), but the thing is how to be a better person? what defines a better person? and why become a better person?

For me to become a better person I have to know what are my flaws, what is my dark side, and how to stop hurting people around me? For those who don't know me well or haven't spent much time with me would probably see me as a sweet polite person, but the ones who spend more time with me would probably see my flaws; I'm moody, inpatient, give up easily, unsocial, and find it hard to apologize. I do have other flaws I'm sure but I haven't figured it out yet! What I can do now after I knew my flaws is trying to improve what I see necessary but not all, every person has his flaw and if I tried to change everything that would probably mean that I have changed my personality and how I am, I like my personality with its flaws the way it is and I'm not changing it, I'm just going through minor changes. The first step towards the improved me is to treat people nice ALWAYS, never expect to be treated well and always treat people better than the way they treat me. Second step I will force people to respect me for who I am, I have always been polite to ll but some times you need to be firm and show people that you have your own opinion, I will show people that I have worked hard to reach my present position and no matter how much they talk about me that will never affect me, my head will be held high and nothing they say will let me down. Third step is to be patient and never give up easily, life has its ups and down, the more problems and hardships we face the more lessons we learn, i might lose some battles but I will not lose the war, failing one class doesn't mean not getting your degree.

I'm sure that maybe some of you wish I change other things in my personality but I'm really pleased with these changes for now, maybe I would improve myself more in the future but for now I do like my self the way I am, I know I'm far away from perfect but for some reason I do make a good impression about myself and I'm pleased about it. Never let people tell you what to do or who you are, you are the only one who makes this decision, I have been under control all my life and I let people tell me what to do, I have been judged for a long time but now is the time to say STOP, this is me, this is who I am, and I'm not going to change because some one asked me.

Cheers :)

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