Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Random Thoughts

So many thoughts and so many topics, so many things in mind and I would like to get it out of my system, the problem is what should I start with? And what if some topics isn't that worth it to write about. This post has no single topic or a single idea, I just had a lot of topics in my mind and I wanted to share them with you guys.
First thought, What determines how we respect people? and who should we respect? and why don't we respect certain people no matter how hard they work? We respect our parents because they raised us and if it wasn't for them we wouldn't have reached where we are now, we respect the elderly because of their age and Islam told us to respect them, we respect achievers because they have worked hard to arrive to their place. I believe that most of use agree that the mentioned before are worth the respect, but what about other people? I mean why don't we respect some gay people who achieved so much in their business life? why don't we respect divorced girls who are trying to reach a better place? Why do we judge people according to certain criteria and not pay attention to their achievements? Is it fair not to respect people just because they are different or we don't like them? don't they deserve to be treated like any other? I think that if we changed to way we think and tried to respect people because they are worth it we would live a better life.

Second thought, Why is it so complicated to get married these days? maybe for some people its something not that hard but in my point of view I see that its too complicated. first you have to look for a girl or tell your parents to look for a girl, you have to have things in common, you have to make sure that you love her not like her, you have to sit with her family and make sure that you like them and they like you, you family must meet her and make sure that they like each others. After the introduction phase comes the communication phase, you should decide where will you live, how will you live, how much is her dowry, what about the kids, and other living details. After these topics are discussed comes the final phase, will you do a wedding or just a reception, how many people are you inviting, where will you spend the honeymoon. GIVE ME A BREAK ! I mean even thinking about it gives you a headache. I don't mean to freak you out I mean I'm with marriage but its really demanding now a days.

Final thought,  Its one thing, either I became more sensitive or people are becoming really rude ! I'm having more fights than before and I take things personally, I admit that I haven't realized this matter by myself because I never admit that I change, I'm a hard core and never listen ;p When I was told that I'm becoming sensitive more than before I started to think, Should I change or should people try to understand? Is it the age thing or is it because I'm living a new life? A friend told me that if any one doesn't understand your situation then he is not a true friend and he doesn't deserve you as a friend. That really made me feel good about myself, I didn't continue on being sensitive but I'm trying to improve myself and hopefully that will teach me more lessons.

These are my thoughts and I hope they were helpful enough, I know they are not related what so ever but the idea was to say what's in my mind and maybe share some ideas with you guys.

Cheers :)

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