Thursday, July 14, 2011

Lessons of Life

I know some people would say you have seen nothing in life, and you live a life that a lot of people wish for, I'm not complaining at all and I always say (el7amdella) for everything I have, but that doesn't mean that I had my drawbacks and problems over the years of my short life. I have been in a lot of situations, meet different people, and went to different places, these events I believe affected my personality and made me the way I am now.
I have seen people who would look normal to you when you see them in the street, but deep inside the are different than they look like, they are either abusers, psychos, freaks, or even molesters. appearance is not always the case, we should never judge a book by its cover, why not give our selves the chance to know people better before we decide what we think about them, why do we think that girls who wear excessive make up and short dresses are bad girls? What if they are better than us? We can't judge them just because we don't like them or we don't like the way they act, the dress code is a personal choice and every person is entitled to it.
I have been to places that I didn't even imagine exist, some people see things on TV and they thank god that these place don't exist in Kuwait, but the truth is you can find what ever you are looking for in Kuwait, I'm not saying that its a bad place to be but I know for a fact that no matter how hard the government tries to clean the country they are not doing the best they can. In my opinion the problem is not that, they should find the real problem and then solve it, I believe that the country is over closed and the young population would find nothing interesting to do, the only things they are able to do is go to restaurants, cafes, or cinema. Coffee houses are closed after 12, (Dewaneyat) are removed, any group of people parking and chatting in a parking lot would be visited by police officers very often, I mean seriously? I personally can't say Hi to my friends if I saw them in the parking lot or parked by the beach to avoid police visits!
People now a days are much worse than people in the old days, I'm not that old but I tell you I have been with some of the worst people ever, and I believe that this was one of the main things that shaped my personality. You trust people and try your best to make them like you, then you are surprised that they were talking about you behind your back, you try to be the good person and forget what others did to you but you are shocked by the fact that they don't appreciate it and they treat you even better, you give people the best that you can but they only pay attention to the minor mistakes you have done. I believe that I was a better person but the past few years re shaped my personality, I'm more mature, more careful, and more closed to myself. Do I regret it? No! Do I hate my new personality? Defiantly not! I have learned that we should never regret the past and always look in the future, never hate yourself for who you are, and always keep your head high no matter what. I know some people might not like it and believe in change, but my answer to them is change comes from inside, I won't change unless I want to, I won't change just because I was asked to change.

Cheers :)

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